Improve your resilience and wellbeing

Prepared by Actus Consulting, this module is designed for anyone who wants to understand more about wellbeing and resilience, learn some tips to support your overall wellbeing and have insight into positive mental health habits.

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Improve your resilience and wellbeing


Defeating work burnout

Emma Matthews, Business Growth Consultant, Writer and Burnout Expert shares her personal experiences of Burnout to increase awareness of the stages and myths and provides tips on how to raise Burnout concerns with your line manager.

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What is work burnout?



Stages of burnout



How to talk to your boss about Burnout



Myths about Burnout


AXA Health guidance articles

How keeping active benefits our mental wellbeing

We all know the physical benefits that come with being active, but with mental and physical health so intertwined, this factsheet explains how exercise can have profound impacts on our mental wellbeing.

Top tips for avoiding burnout

In May 2019, the World Health Organization declared employee burnout as a legitimate syndrome linked to chronic workplace stress. Burnout can be the result of prolonged periods of stress and pressure in the workplace, with those suffering experiencing exhaustion, lack of engagement and reduced productivity.

Tips for managing stress

Stress can happen for any number of reasons – it’s normal and natural. But there are ways to make it feel less all-consuming. Here are a few tips you can use to help control your stress levels.

AXA Health videos

Walking mindfulness with Eugene Farrell

Let AXA Health’s Mental Health Lead, Eugene Farrell, take you through a quick walking mindfulness exercise that can be helpful during times of stress or anxiety.

Own your fears

How do you face your fears and turn them into motivation? It's easier than you might think! Dr Mark Winwood explains three simple steps you can do to 'own your fears'.

Breath work to beat stress and improve focus

Get comfortable in a seated position while Richie Norton explains how to use breath work to bring focus and control, helping your mind to be less distracted.

AXA Health webinars

Coping with change icon
Coping with change

Dr Mark Winwood and Eugene Farrell explore how best to cope, manage and thrive during unsettling periods.

Click to watch webinar
Healthy Mind icon
The key to a healthy mind

Rajkeeran and Georgina discuss the positive impacts that eating well and movement can have on your wellbeing.

Click to register & watch
Mental Health icon
Staying Positive

Dr Mark Winwood and Eugene Farrell explore how you can gain perspective, look beyond and be optimistic.

Click to register & watch